
Thursday, February 27, 2014


There are a lot of home hair treatments for split ends you can do, and they'll all keep your hair incredibly healthy. If you spend a lot of time coloring it or styling it with heat, this is a great way to make sure your hair stays in good shape, right from the comfort of your own home. Most of these home hair treatments for split ends work with any kind hair type, although if your hair is extremely thin, thick, oily, or dry, you can find something just right for that type.

While long, luscious, healthy locks are a boon for most women, split ends prove a painful bane. The split end menace, however, is an ongoing battle. 

You may approach to mend split ends is to trim the tresses an inch or two. However, this offers no permanent solution as they keep reappearing requiring another trimming session in a couple of week’s time. Nevertheless, this makes a healthier option compared to the products available to repair dry damages locks.

Therefore, to repair damaged tresses, here are a few tips and tricks to keep the locks glossy and healthy.

Causes Of Split Ends?

Split ends or trichoptilosis occurs with hair follicle damage or repair. This is primarily because hair as the skin encompasses several layers, with the cuticle, the outer layer, comprising of dead cells piled one on top of the other. This protects the second layer, cortex, consisting of Keratin, the same proteins present in fingernails.  However, extremely dense hair consists of another layer, the medulla. Nevertheless, with the wearing out of the cuticle, the keratin coils that exist in the cortex, break open causing two splits of a hair strand.

Factors Contributing to Split Ends

Poor nourishment
Lack of proper care
Excessive combining
Frequent exposure to heat and styling products
Towel drying
Lack of moisture, ripping the natural oils from the tresses
Extreme climates

Natural and Home Remedies to Repair Split Ends

The Honey trick

Honey is great as a home hair treatment for split ends, especially when you mix it with curd. All you need is a half cup of curd and a tablespoon of honey, which you mix together well. Massage it into your hair, paying particular attention to the ends, and let it remain there for 20 minutes. When you rinse, just use water. This method will give your hair a gorgeous sheen!

Ripe Papaya

For this pack, take a very ripe papaya. Pick one that's sizable enough for your hair. For instance, if your hair is really long or really thick, you'll need a larger fruit. Once it's halved, get rid of the skin and the seeds, then blend it until it's pulpy. At that point, add in half a cup of plain yogurt and mix again. That's all you need to do! Once it's mixed, massage it into your hair, parting it carefully, and cover with a shower cap and rinse it out after half an hour.


Massaging the hair with mayonnaise and washing hair after twenty minutes, helps split ends.

Banana Mix

Massaging hair roots with a mixture of mashed banana, avocado and olive oil keeps the tresses glossy and healthy.


Take 30 gm of rosemary, preferably fresh, a pint of hot water, and one egg. What you want to do is steep your rosemary in the hot water for about 20 minutes, then let it cool. Once it's cooled down, beat your egg into it, then massage the mix into your hair and rinse, just as you would with a regular shampoo.

Massage a beaten egg with water on to wet hair scalp and wash with cool water as a remedy for split ends.

Chamomile Tea

To use this great technique, simply brew a pot of chamomile tea and then give your hair a pre-rinse with it. Chamomile has calming properties and works great on split ends to repair them, along with taming frizz, which can cause split ends. Brew as many cups as you need and rinse your hair with it before you wash it, letting it set in for a moment. Then, wash and condition as normal. You can also do this and leave it on longer if you want, such as while you paint your toenails!


Massaging the scalp with a few drops of hot oil (coconut, olive, avocado, jojoba, castor or mustard) nourishes hair and keeps them healthy.

Coconut Oil

The best oil to get rid of split ends is coconut oil. Use an extra virgin, organic coconut oil, take about 2 tablespoons and apply it on your dry hair before showering. Rub it all throughout hair while dry, and put more on the tips, letting them soak up the amazing oils that coconut contains. These rich fats are quickly absorbed into hair, and help to repair, strengthen, moisturize, and prevent tearing. After applying it, pin your hair up on top of your head, get in the shower, and the steam from the shower will intensify the oil's effects. Then, after you wash your body and face, take down your hair, and shampoo and condition as normal.

Olive oil makes an effective home hair treatment for split ends all by itself! All you do is warm enough olive oil to cover your hair, then massage it into those pretty but dry tresses. Wrap your hair in a towel or cover it with a shower cap, and find something to do for half an hour – then shampoo!

Combining olive oil and honey in equal proportions and massing the mixture on to the hair follicles, followed by a wash after half an hour, keeps hair conditioned and moisturised.

If you eat a lot of avocado, you may have noticed that your hair and skin get extremely soft. The oil in avocado makes it an ideal hair and skin treatment. 

Mash up an avocado and, after getting your hair a bit damp, massage the fruit into your hair. Make sure you get your split ends coated. Let it set for anywhere between 15 minutes and half an hour, then rinse it out. You can add a tablespoon of olive oil for some extra sheen, if you like.

Mash an avocado along with beaten egg and olive oil. Apply the mixture to the hair and allow resting for half an hour to enable penetration of healthy ingredients into the scalp. Finally rinse with cool water.

Castor Oil Conditioning

Castor oil is extremely helpful in a number of ways. Mix equal amounts of castor oil, mustard oil, and olive oil, the amount you mix depends on the length and thickness of your hair. All you have to do is apply the mix into your hair, then wrap it up in a towel and let it set for 30 minutes.wash it out with shampoo.

Argan Oil

Argan oil is rich in healthy oils that repair, strengthen, moisturize, and prevent splitting. It also helps to treat current split ends really effectively. I like Organix brand, and have found it to be an excellent product to help tame frizz as well.

Cream Tonic

You do this treatment after you've shampooed, Mix a tablespoon of heavy cream into half a cup of milk. Beat it thoroughly, then massage it into your hair, especially the ends. You only need to leave it for about 15 minutes, and then rinse it out!

Cocoa Butter for Dry Hair

If you have dry hair that is prone to split ends, cocoa butter is an inexpensive lotion product that is great for your hair. Apply it after washing your hair and before drying it when you get out of the shower. Comb through it and let it sit for a moment, and then dry as normal. Be sure to put some extra on the ends of your hair to give them special treatment.

Shea Butter Creme

Shea butter, also known as creme, is an inexpensive cream. Shea butter is rich in healthy fats that nourish your ends. Put it on your hair after getting out of the shower, and apply it before you comb out your hair. Then, let it sit for a second while you put lotion or oil on your body. Finally, just dry your hair as normal or let it air dry. Doing this every time you wash will ensure you keep your split ends at bay, all the time!


Ghee is clarified butter, but ghee is rich in healthy, unrefined fats that greatly nourish your hair. Apply it directly on your ends and let it sit like a mask for a few hours.Ghee is also great to repair dry skin or eczema, and can even heal sunburns, by the way.

Beer Rinse

Beer is excellent for conditioning the tresses, adding more volume, making them appear bouncy. This is because, the sugar and protein contents in Beer, by attaching themselves to the hair shaft, fortify the locks giving them a glossy appearance. An effective astringent, beer also helps eliminate product residues from the scalp and hair keeping them healthy.   

Massage some beer into your hair, then give it time to soak in thoroughly. After that, simply rinse! soaking the hair follicles in beer before a shower proves beneficial. The only bad thing is the lingering scent of beer, but hey, that's what spritzes are for, right?


The best at home hair treatment you can give your split ends is through your Diet! Pick healthy fats and include them daily in your diet. They help moisturize the hair, helping to prevent wear, tear, and split ends right where they start. Hemp seeds, chia seeds, avocados, almonds, and cashews to be some of the most beneficial. Try them and just see for yourself! As a bonus, you get to eat great food and you'll get great hair in the process!

Tips to Prevent Split Ends


Protect hair from the sun’s harsh rays
To prevent dry hair always use alcohol-free shampoos
Use a wide toothed comb for brushing hair
Consume water to remain hydrated
Eat a well-balanced healthy diet
Allow hair to dry naturally


Using heat to hair
Dry with hair drier
Using chemicals on hair
Brushing hair when wet

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