
Friday, October 4, 2013


Acne leaves after them scars that could be very depressing for a long period of time. Such prominent skin flaws are a girl's worst nightmare. But, they can be gotten rid of with a wee bit of effort and time. Acne scars are definitely something every girl wants to get rid of. Until recent times there was no permanent solution to get rid of acne scars.

While blemishes, for some people, depend on hereditary components or skin hue, precautions can be taken to avert scars and treatments are accessible to considerably reduce scarred skin’s appearance.

While there are some cosmetic therapies that could be done to remove acne scars yet these remedies do not guarantee any permanent results. With that being said there are some house-hold remedies that has proven to work slowly and steadily on these scars. These remedies not just help in removing the scars but also help you from keeping away from it.

Home remedies for Pimple/Acne Scars:

Fenugreek (Methi) is a productive ingredient to heal acne scars. Make a paste out of fenugreek leaves and use it as a face mask. You can even boil Fenugreek seeds, blend them in a fine paste and store it in a cool place.  Use this paste on acne blemishes, leave it on for 15-20 mins and wash it with cool water.

Aloe Vera is a routinely used natural remedy to decrease acne blemishes. The Aloe Vera plants are well known for their magical proficiency to help mend scars and cuts. Aloe Vera juice is widely used in healing acne scars as well as fight breakouts. By applying Aloe Vera juice regularly on the affected area helps in toning the skin color.

Apply Lemon juice on your acne scars with a cotton pad. Leave it on the affected area for a while, let your skin absorb the lemon juice, and then wash it off with lukewarm water. Lemon juice acts as natural bleach in improving the appearance of dark acne scars and blemishes by lightening them.

Lemon and Glycerin Face Mask: Make a face mask with one part freshly squeezed lemon juice and two parts glycerin and use it once a week. You can notice a huge difference within a couple of weeks.

You might experience burning sensation immediately after applying the juice but it usually lasts only for a little while. If the skin burns too much then dilute the juice with water! Please note that daily usage of lemon can cause your skin to go dry, so, in case you notice flaky skin then add a little bit of honey or milk to the lemon juice!

Sandalwood and rosewater paste is another remedy that can be utilized as a facial mask and can be directly applied on the scarred area. Leave the paste on for more than an hour (leave it overnight if you can).Than wash off the mask completely using cold water. This is proven to be an effective method to treat acne blemish.

Olive oil is truly a miracle substance that helps in nourishing your skin. Regular application of Olive oil not just helps in decreasing acne scars but also helps from future breakouts.  Massage the oil on affected parts of your skin every day. It has moisturizing properties that soften the texture of your skin and reduce the prominence of your acne scars.

Tea tree oil is a great ingredient to reduce the acne scars. This oil is imported from Australia and is widely used for healing acne scars and furthermore prevents any outbreaks in the future.

Cucumber is great in keeping the skin smooth and supple. Many distinct cosmetic beauty products often have cucumber as a key ingredient in it. Furthermore Indian gooseberry lotions and creams are apt for reducing acne scaring and outbreaks.

Tomatoes are a rich source of Vitamin A which is why it nourishes and rejuvenates your skin. By helping your skin grow quickly, it manages to remove the scars from your face! Slice a tomato into four pieces, crush them into a pulp, and apply the paste on your face!

There is another method you can use which is a bit more complicated: take tomatoes and avocados/cucumbers, grind them together to make a paste out of them, and then apply it on your face as a face mask.
No matter which method you use, it is recommended that you keep the tomatoes on your skin for at least an hour, before washing your face with lukewarm water!

Grated Raw Potato: Make a face mask with grated raw potato and use it twice or thrice a week. It's simple. Just rub some grate potato on the affected skin, leave it to dry and wash off. It is very effective on all kinds of scars.

Ice Cube: Most of them also use ice cubes to get rid of their acne blemishes at home. Wrap an ice cube in a cotton cloth and rub it on the affected areas for 10 to 15 minutes every day. This should reduce the inflammation on your skin, thereby helping in make it smoother. This is one of the best natural acne remedy.

An egg white face mask can also be used to fade marks. Apply only the egg white carefully onto your face. Allow the egg white to dry and rinse with water.

Milk and oatmeal face mask can also be used to remove scars. Apply the mixture for about ten minutes and then rinse.

Neem(Indian Lilac) paste mixed with sandalwood powder is the best way to get rid of pimple scar mark.

Few Advises to Reduce Pimple/Acne Scar Mark:

- Choose lightweight, non-greasy, oil free cosmetics. There is a range of make up products that helps effectively in covering the acne scars temporarily.

-Drink 8 glasses of water in a day. Thorough hydration is good for all skin types and keeps your skin radiant.

-Avoid soaps with harsh chemicals as acne prone skin is usually young, and very sensitive.

-Have a glass of vegetable juice with fresh lime, three times a week. Keeps your skin healthy, keeps your weight off and gives you great skin in the long run, if you make it a habit.

-Just because you have oily skin, doesn't mean you don't need to moisturise. Vitamin E is very good at lightening blemishes. Use a good moisturiser that is light and does not clog pores.

-Always carry a pore minimising face wash with you. Keep your skin clean at all times.

-Avoid soaps with harsh chemicals as acne prone skin is usually young, and very sensitive

-Keep your skin clear of any make-up and wash your face with water as many times as possible to get rid of pimples.

-And never pop the pimples as these would lead to scars. Pimple marks are the scars that result after an acne breakout. They are often difficult to remove and take time to fade. There are commercial and homemade treatment options available. Surface skin blemishes can often be removed by these methods. However, if the skin blemishes are deeper, cosmetic procedures may be needed. Some cosmetic procedures are micro dermabrasion, chemical peels, and laser resurfacing.

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